5W+1H Macbook Pro M1

My friends asked me why I use MacBook and why I buy MacBook M1 even though the pricing is not good. It’s like my friends ask about plus and minus before buying MacBook. Actually, my answer is simple, because I NEED IT at that time and only can use MacBook for my daily work. But, I will make clear and reference for you if you want to buy or want to know my reasons about MacBook Pro M1 (macOS).

1. Who I am?

I just an ordinary person and a common student. Other people, who same age as me already have jobs, married and happy life, but for me? Nothing special… Emm.. maybe someday, because I’m HEROOO! WARRIOR! No, because Mama said don’t give up! 😀 . #jiayou . Apple product usually has an expensive price, we must consider if still a student like me, need take care about the money. Also, actually, i already use Apple devices since 2014 like Macbook Air and Macbook Pro. Then I used MacBook Pro Apple M1 for more than 6 months -_- #givememoneyplease #savemoney

2. What? I buy MacBook?

I already mentioned it before, because I NEED IT AT THAT TIME #ineedyou. Even though maybe right now, there is a new version with new technology at the same price, I didn’t feel sad because of other people thinking “why you buy last time, not this time?”. Bro, I need it at that time and I believe in the future will use ARM architecture like a smartphone, if I didn’t buy it, I cannot doing my daily works. It’s not about I want to look cool. Maybe, If I want to have a new version, just buy it again! wkwkwk

3. Why I buy MacBook?

My proportion of daily works is about 40% programming (web and android development), 30% reading & writing, 20% multimedia production (video editing & photo), and 10% entertainment (watching drama). Maybe sometimes the proportion is change, 90% watching dramas. #lhokanyaa

Every day, I using Macbook Pro M1 for my daily work.

The specification of MacBook

a) Programming

My application for work only available on macOS

I build web stacks like backend or frontend with frameworks that many tutorials usually use Terminal like iTerm2 to compile or to install something that is related. For example, when I upload audio in my website project, I want to make automation convert files from .ogg to .wav using FFmpeg. I just install via HomeBrew to install FFmpeg, no need for configuration. All is automatic, want to install MySQL, PHP, or something else? just using HomeBrew with iTerm2 with ZSH makes life easier because no need to configure. Again, HomeBrew and iTerm2 only available in macOS.

I love iTerm2

macOs is stable when compiling the program

I make an Android app with Android Studio that requires a stable environment. When I make a layout in Android Studio, the MacBook can render quickly and after complete can compile quickly without force closed or hang. I already use windows PC with 16GB RAM but sometimes is force close or hang, I don’t know why. Also, It makes me decide to need to use MacBook that has more RAM capacity, minimum 16GB. Do you want to use Machine Learning with Python? don’t be worry! I use Tensorflow

Convenient to switch another window with Trackpad

I seldom use Mouse, I just use it for multimedia production (video editing & photo). Its because I can use a hand gestures to move or switch everything on my computer.

All in one with a hand gestures

b) Reading & Writing

I’m still a student, that required me to read many books or articles

I like reading some books on MacBook Pro because supported RetinaDisplay and more brighter that makes my eyes more clear because I using glasses and sometimes I read at the outside room. Also, because as students, we forget the time, usually we read until night, then the display can automatically switch the color that makes me convenient to read using Night Shift.

No need to worry with your eyes

Easy to switching multiple Apple devices

When we read, sometimes we take a note. I have iPhone X, sometimes if I want to copy texts from iPhone to MacBook, just click copy on iPhone then click paste on MacBook. It’s easy, right? Oh yaa, you can use Notion, it makes it easier for you.

Try this app, Notion!

Typing without tough

I don’t know why, I can easily can convenient if i typing with the keyboard on MacBook. I cannot stop after I typing, because is convenient. wkwk, Oiya, MacBook Pro also provides TouchBar, but I seldom use it, I just use it for entertainment only (change the sound volume).

Many apps for research purposes already compatible

If you do research, maybe you need to install SPSS or another application. Don’t be worry! You can use it! Next time I will explain how to deal with research with thousands of data for analysis and automation way using MacBook Pro. #wkwk. Also, because of research as my daily work, finally, I can use this MacBook. Thanks to my professor! You help me a lot! 😀

c). Multimedia Production

I use Final Cut Pro (FCPX) to editing video (like Adobe Premiere) and I use Affinity Photo (like Adobe Photoshop). Why I didn’t use Adobe? because i cannot afford the monthly payment, i just buy one time for Affinity.. wkwk..

I like MacBook Pro M1 for editing videos using FCPX because it’s fast and adaptable (you can look on youtube for tutorial, or this is a video example that I used FCPX). It’s fast and easy to use, almost similar to Adobe Premier, but more simple way and faster.

Then, MacBook Pro with Retina Display can make the color adjustment for both video and picture editing more realistic, because the color is clear for me.

d). Entertainment

I didn’t want to explain this again. I already write why I like watching drama and listening to music via Spotify. Oiya, I like the MacBook speaker because using stereo-like iPhone, the sound is very clear and the brightness display is high. Also, the MacBook’s fan seldom running, but when running is still quiet. It’s a perfect combination for a mini home theater with clear audio and 4K video. #asyikkkk

Also, MacBook Pro M1 can install iPhone/iPad application. This is the example I installed an application to booking online

I can use iPhone app on MacBook

As we know, we already enter a digital era because of pandemics. All meetings using an online way that required a good camera. I just worry, why I look so handsome when using the camera on MacBook compared to my real life, seriously I not kidding I didn’t use any filter. It is like an improvement by AI but still natural. I like this! #aahaayyy

We don’t need to worry about transferring files between iPhone and MacBook, just use Airdrop! Easy and faster. Also, I heard that if you have an iPad, you also can use it for the second screen, but I didn’t try. Its because I need to buy new iPad Pro #givememoneyplease

4. When I buy MacBook?

I buy on 27 December 2020 after the Apple Online Store listed the Macbook Pro M1 and received it on 9 January 2021. After much consideration, and asking with other MacBook users. Thanks! mas Bagus.

First time when MacBook arrived, I just installed Spotify in Terminal. wkwk

5. Where I buy MacBook?

Oiya, because at this moment I still in Taiwan and there is Apple Online Store, I can buy it using online way then the MacBook will delivered to my address. Actually, i have a video unboxing this MacBook, but I’m sorry still didn’t enough time to edit the video #soksibuk

1 How i buy MacBook ?

There are many ways to buy, using Apple Online Store, official retail apple stores like Straight A or Studio A in Taiwan, or another website. I used Apple Online Store directly with my friends’ help. Thanks! Dawn and Julia.

Oiya, you can apply student discount if you apply with your Student ID. #horeee

Actually, the pricing MacBook Pro Apple M1 is more cheap than MacBook Pro Intel. You can check it on their website.

Actually, there are two ways if you want to buy directly via Apple Online Store, you just fill the form on the website or you can call apple care. Its the same, it’s just for choosing the hardware specification, after complete to fill specification via form or call. There is a new email with a link to pay the billing via debit/credit card (VISA, Mastercard, please check the balance before buy it… #QQ) and then fill in the address. Then just waiting via order tracking. ($ it’s mean New Taiwan Dollar, not USD)

Then, after you have enough money maybe you will be confused. Which one do I need to buy? MacBook Pro 16GB 32GB or otherr GBGBGBGB or iPad? My answer depends on your need. You can make a list of what your need, then you can decide to accomplish your need which one is more suitable for you. #seeyoumoney

How about windows or Linux, why you didn’t use it?

Similar question, “how about windows? Do you really didn’t want to use it?” Emm.., I still use it using remote like as I mentioned before that I connect windows PC with 16GB of RAM and windows ARM / Ubuntu Desktop on Raspberry 4GB of RAM in my lab using Google Remote Desktop, but I seldom use it, I only use it for searching journal article because the PC connected to school’ network. Then, It’s because I believe that if I want to use it just using virtual or remote. Right now, my assumption is correct. No need to install windows in the future, just use it online way using Windows 365 . wkwk not only people go to using online way because of the pandemic, but the pc will using online way too. #onlineonlineonline #okeh

I feel tired when facing force-close, virus, configuration, hang, blue blue blue screen, last time ok, right now not okay, etc. #youknowlah . Please don’t ask me HOW TO REINSTALL WINDOWS! I know, but I feel tried. It’s another reason why I feel convenient using macOS, it’s easy, not complicated.

How about the weakness?

  • I just feel hot while charging the battery because is fast charging
  • only have 2 USB-C port, I need to buy the extended-cable
I buy on shopee
  • I just buy 256GB of storage, need more storage if want to video edit using FCPX. For example, i just make this video with 3 minutes of duration than the FCPX file around 30GB.
  • Need extra money to buy additional hardware (USB-C connector) and software (usually we must pay for the software, please be prepared! #wkwkw #moneymoney #money)
  • Sometimes still buggy because the application still uses Rosetta (Intel Architecture) not pure Apple architecture.
The app architecture, Intel vs Apple

Okay, that its. It’s time to sleep and keep productive. Eh it’s time to dance… #lhoh

Rio Nurtantyana: