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Posts published in “Tidak Terkategorikan”

Qixi – Endless Love


成龙:解开我 最神秘的等待 jiě kāi wǒ zuì shén mì de děng dài Release me from this mysterious waiting 星星坠落 风在吹动 xīng xīng zhuì luo fēng zài chuī dòng The stars are falling and the wind is blowing 终於再将你拥入怀中 zhōng yú zài jiāng nǐ yǒng rù huái…

5W+1H Macbook Pro M1


My friends asked me why I use MacBook and why I buy MacBook M1 even though the pricing is not good. It’s like my friends ask about plus and minus before buying MacBook. Actually, my answer is simple, because I NEED IT at that time…

On A Secluded Road


I’ll walk with you on this deserted roadI’ll cry with you in your sadnessIn my ragged life, you were like a roseYou gave me a scent and I smiled because of you I want to fly higher, with you in my armsI want to go…